Stanley ?Bunky? Boniakowski is the owner of Green Mountain Painting Company in Green Brook, New Jersey. Green Mountain Painting is a full service, high-end home contracting and painting company servicing an array of clients with all of their home renovation, maintenance, and improvement projects.
Early in his career, after working as a subcontractor for various builders, Stanley developed an interest in discovering and renovating older homes. Consistently, for the past several years, Stanley has purchased uninhabitable, dilapidated houses, and with his crew, (The Contractors®) has renovated them into pristine and profitable homes.
After numerous home renovations, Stanley has extended his knowledge and experience in all aspects of home improvement. He routinely trains and educates employees, subcontractors and homeowners renovation tactics from conception to completion, focusing on limited time and budget.
The Contractors® is a reality-based home improvement program, created by Stanley, aimed at educating and demonstrating to current and future homeowners, that the ?do-it-yourself? mentality is not only achievable, but also time and cost-effective.
Throughout The Contractors®, Stanley incorporates the entire process of home renovation, beginning with the purchase of the home, continuing through all aspects of renovation, and finalizing with the sale and budgetary breakdown.
Stanley?s appreciation and recognition that his crew, known as The Contractors®, are not only knowledgeable and resourceful in the renovation process, but also hilarious and entertaining in their approach, makes this reality program a must see. The Contractors® is a whole lot of home improvement know how peppered with enough ?Jersey? antics to keep you laughing while you hammer out your own home renovation nightmares.